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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Donate to #buildCogasHouse

Help Us Build Our Future:

Let us build COGAs house

Welcome to the launch of COGAs Building Committee, #buildCOGAshouse, where we embark on an exciting journey to expand our church home in alignment with our vision and mission.

Our Vision

We believe in the power of faith to transform lives and communities. For years, our congregation has been a pillar of strength and hope for people, and now, we are embarking on an exciting journey to expand and enhance our facilities to better serve our growing community and future generations.

Our Mission

Our mission is clear: to create a welcoming space where people can come together to worship, learn, and grow spiritually.
With your support, we aim to build a modern, accessible, and sustainable church facility that will be a beacon of light and love in our community for years to come.

While our vision is bold, we cannot achieve it alone. Here's why We Need Your Support:

The Art of the Possible
With a heart full of faith and determination, we envision a space where true connections flourish, where every member of our family-oriented church feels welcomed and embraced. Consolidating our services back to one, we aim to create more than just physical space – we aim to foster an environment where souls are nourished, where prayers are lifted, and where lives are transformed.
Meeting Our Needs
Our dreams for #buildCOGAshouse encompass vital facilities, including expanded sanctuary space, a dedicated pastor’s office, enhanced areas for children’s church activities, and a designated space for our valued prayer team to intercede with fervor. Moreover, envision joining together for cross-over nights and other special gatherings in a space tailored to our spiritual growth.
Giving Time Back
By investing in our building project, we aim to give back precious time to our pastors, ministers, choir, and technical crew, enabling them to focus more fully on their ministries and less on logistical constraints. Together, let’s rally behind #buildCOGAshouse and unlock the potential for greater service and impact.
We hope to reach our goal by the end of 2025
We understand the importance of accountability and transparency when it comes to fundraising. That's why we pledge to keep our supporters informed every step of the way. We will provide regular updates on the progress of our building project, including detailed financial reports and photos of construction milestones.





Join Us in Building a Brighter Future. Genesis 26:12 reminds us of the blessings that come from faithful giving. As we sow into the vision of #buildCOGAshouse, we trust in God’s provision and believe that He will bless our efforts abundantly. Together, we can build a stronger, more vibrant community where all are welcome and supported on their spiritual journey.

Via Interac

You can give by Interac e-transfer to

Donate Now and Make a Difference!

Kindly use the description “Building fund” or “#buildCogasHouse” for all transfers made for the building fund.


Thank you for considering a donation to our church building fund. Your support means the world to us, and we are deeply grateful for your generosity. May God bless you richly as we embark on this exciting chapter together.